Sunday, September 1, 2024

Twisting the Talmud


The sheer ignorance on full display on social media is reminiscent of the 1930s and even earlier.  The attack on the Jewish people is in full swing but branded as anti-Zionist.  Make no mistake, these people really do HATE the Jews.  What's new?  Nothing; they are saying out loud.  Ronnie and Jim delve into the ignorance to shed light on this troubling trend.  Does the Talmud actually condone pedophilia and other disgusting charges?  In actuality, it's all baseless claims and nothing new.  The same propaganda has been plaguing the world throughout the centuries.  Don't take the word of populist loudmouths on X or Facebook, do some research yourself, without the confirmation bias.  You might be surprised to learn how brilliant the Talmud actually is.

Some things were written and make up the Torah and Tanach. Others were passed down orally.  Quite a simple premise.  Without the oral instructions what exactly would be circumcised? Perhaps your nose.  Then there how to slaughter and this statement "As I commanded you:" This teaches us that there is a (detailed) command concerning slaughter – how to slaughter – and these are the laws of slaughter that were taught to Moshe from Sinai (i.e., from G-d).” - Rashi

Then of course there's the no working on Shabbat.  What does that mean?  What is work? God didn't leave much up to the imagination as He was pretty specific.  Throughout the Tanach we could probably guess what constitutes work, yet the Talmud discusses the topic at length. 

The complexity of understanding the Talmud is a life-long journey.  It's not for everyone and shouldn't be. Leave it to the dedicated few that hold the mission of being the light unto the Nations.  A little story that I revere greatly:


A young man asks to study with a Talmudic scholar. The scholar gives him a taste of 

Talmudic reasoning. 

“But I already know logic, what do I need Talmudic reasoning?” protests the student, 

“Aristotelian syllogisms, truth-functional logic, predicate logic, set theory everything.” 

“That’s not Jewish logic,” replies the scholar, but the student persists, and so the scholar 

offers to show him the difference between “logic” and what we find in the Talmud. 

“Here is the question,” says the scholar. “Two men go down a chimney. One has a dirty face, 

one has a clean face. Which one washes?” 

“That’s easy,” says the student, “the one with the dirty face.” 

“Wrong,” says the scholar. “The one with the clean face looks at the other one, sees a dirty 

face, and thinks his must also be dirty, and so the one with the clean face washes.” 

“I see,” says the student. “It is a little more complicated than I thought, but I can do this. 

Please test me again.” 

“All right,” sighs the scholar. “Here is the question. Two men go down a chimney. One has a 

dirty face, one has a clean face. Which one washes?” 

In surprise the student answers, “Just as you said, the one with the clean face washes.” 

“Wrong,” says the scholar. “The one with the dirty face observes his companion looking at 

him and making ready to wash his face. ‘Ah ha,’ he thinks. ‘He must see a dirty face, and it’s 

mine.’ And so the one with the dirty face washes.” 

“It is even more complicated than I yet realized,” says the student, “but now I do 

understand. Please test me once more.” 

“Just once more,” says the scholar. “Here is the question. Two men go down a chimney. One 

has a dirty face, one has a clean face. Which one washes?” 

“Now I know the answer,” says the student. “The one with the dirty face washes, just as I 

thought in the beginning, but for a different reason.” 

“Wrong,” says the scholar. “If two men go down a chimney, how can only one have a dirty 

face? Go and study. When you know Jewish logic, come back.”

There's a war taking place, and the aim is to destroy Judaism.  It's nothing new, just re-packaged old propaganda.

Online antisemites’ new frontier? The Talmud via @JewishChron 

Ted Pike’s Confused Understanding:

Tuesday, December 26, 2023


A reposting of Uri Yosef’s THE "LAST AND FINAL SACRIFICE" TAKES THE TEN-COUNT after a Christian apologist made this comment recently. May it be a light to anyone seeking the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

“The reason Jews as a whole haven't embraced Jesus Christ as Messiah is partly because of hard hearts, and partly because Jesus came to die for our sins. It was foreseen by God the Father that He would be rejected, per Isaiah 53 - which Jews have NEVER been able to "explain" - which then paved the way for His once-for-all sacrifice for sin.”


Professor Uri Yosef 

Christian missionaries claim that those who do not accept Jesus as their lord and
savior, which includes the Jewish people, are doomed to burn in “hell” because
they cannot have their sins forgiven by God. This claim is rationalized with the
allegation that, in Biblical times, the only way to bring about the remission of sins
was via the blood of a certain animal. This animal had to be brought to the priest
to be slaughtered at the altar in the Sanctuary, first while in the portable
Sanctuary and later in the Temple, as a sacrificial offering. According to this
claim, since there has been no Temple standing in Jerusalem since the year 70
C.E., valid sacrificial offerings can no longer be made and, therefore, the only
way for Jews to have their sins forgiven is through the blood shed by Jesus in his
"sacrificial" death on the cross. In other words, the claim is that the blood of
Jesus, who was allegedly sacrificed by God (the "Father") as a demonstration of
his great love for mankind,
has once and for all removed the stain of “Original
Sin" from those who follow Jesus (the "Son"). This act of love by God allegedly
made Jesus the "last and final sacrifice" forever.

There are two main aspects to the claim that Jesus was "the last and final
sacrifice". The first concerns the suitability of Jesus and his death as a sacrificial
offering for the remission of sins. The second aspect, which was investigated in
another essay, concerns the need for blood in the atonement process.
This essay examines the suitability of Jesus and the manner in which he died as
a sacrificial offering for the remission of sins.

The process for testing this claim by Christian missionaries consists of
contrasting the requirements concerning sacrificial offerings, as specified in the
Hebrew Bible, against the accounts in the New Testament that describe the
death of Jesus on the cross as a sacrificial offering. As part of this analysis, it is
important to bear in mind the following two conditions that existed during the life
of Jesus, at the time of his death, and for several decades following his death:
 The Second Temple was still standing in Jerusalem
 The Hebrew Bible was the Scripture in force

The salient issue to be addressed, and answered, is:
According to the requirements set forth in the Hebrew Bible, was Jesus a valid sacrificial
offering, and was his death by crucifixion an acceptable process, for remission of sins?
The analytical phase of the testing process identifies ten elements for which the
respective accounts in the New Testament are compared with the specifications
provided in the Hebrew Bible, primarily in the Torah.

According to the accounts in the New Testament, Jesus was crucified by
Roman soldiers:
John 19:18,23(KJV) – (18) Where they crucified him, and two other with him, on either
side one, and Jesus in the midst.
(23) Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus, took his garments, and made
four parts, to every soldier a part; and also his coat: now the coat was without seam,
woven from the top throughout. [See also Matthew 27:35; Mark 15:24; Luke 23:33.]
According to the Levitical Law of Sacrifice in the Torah, the animal brought as
a sin sacrifice had to be slaughtered by the person who offered it:

Leviticus 4:27-29 - (27) And if any one person from among the common people sins
unwittingly, by performing one of the commandments of the Lord which may not be
done, and incurs guilt; (28) Or if his sin, which he has committed, is made known to
him, then he shall bring his sacrifice, an unblemished female goat, for his sin which he
has sinned. (29) And he shall lay his hand upon the head of the sin offering, and he
shall slaughter the sin offering in the place of the burnt offering.

According to the Levitical Law of Sacrifice in the Torah, some of the blood of
the (sin) sacrifice had to be rubbed by the priest with his finger on the horns of
the altar in the Temple, and the rest had to be poured out at the base of the
sacrificial altar. The fat of the sacrifice had to be removed and burnt:

Leviticus 4:30-31 - (30) And the priest shall take some of its blood with his finger, and
put [it] upon the horns of the altar [used] for the burnt offering; and [then] he shall
pour out all of [the rest of] its blood at the base of the altar. (31) And he shall remove
all of its fat, as was removed the fat from the sacrificial peace offerings; and the priest
shall burn it upon the altar for a pleasant fragrance to the Lord; and [thus] shall the
priest make an atonement for him, and he shall be forgiven.
 The New Testament is silent on what was done with the blood of Jesus and
with the fat of his body.

According to the accounts in the New Testament, Jesus was beaten,
whipped, and dragged on the ground before being crucified:

Matthew 26:67(KJV) - Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him; and others
smote him with the palms of their hands, [See also Mark 14:65; Luke 22:63; John 18:22.]
Matthew 27:26,30-31(KJV) – (26)Then released he Barabbas unto them: and when he
had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified.
(30) And they spit upon him, and took the reed, and smote him on the head. (31) And
after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him, and put his own
raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him. [See also Mark 15:15-20; John 19:1-3.]

According to the Torah, a sacrificial animal had to be without any physical
defects or blemishes:

Deuteronomy 17:1 - You shall not sacrifice to the Lord your God an ox or a sheep that
has in it a blemish or any bad thing, for that is an abomination to the Lord, your God.

Sidebar Note: As a born Jew, Jesus was circumcised on the eighth day following
his birth, a ritual that leaves a scar (Genesis 17:10-13; the “sign of the covenant”).
The circumcision of Jesus is mentioned in the New Testament (Luke 2:21), yet Paul
refers to circumcision as being tantamount to mutilation (Galatians 5:11-12;
Philippians 3:2).

 According to the New Testament, Jesus was "the Lamb of God" whose bones
may not be broken [a reference to the Paschal Lamb of Exodus 12:46 and
Numbers 9:12]:
John 1:29(KJV) – The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold
the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
John 19:36(KJV) - For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A
bone of him shall not be broken.

 According to the Torah, the Paschal Lamb was not offered for the removal of
sins. Rather, it was a festive, or commemorative, offering. Yom Kippur (the
Day of Atonement) would have been a more appropriate time for a sin

Numbers 29:11 - One young male goat for a sin offering, beside the sin offering of
atonement, and the continual burnt offering, and its meal offering, and their drink
offerings. [Yom Kippur – Individual sin offering]

Leviticus 16:15 - He shall then slaughter the he goat of the people's sin offering and
bring its blood inside the dividing curtain, and he shall do with its blood as he did with
the blood of the bull and sprinkle it upon the cover of the ark, and before the cover of
the ark. [Yom Kippur – Communal sin offering]

 According to the Torah, the Paschal Lamb had to be slaughtered and its
blood used to place markings on the side-posts and lintels of the entrances to
the dwelling. Moreover, the meat had to be roasted and eaten, and whatever
was not consumed by the time the Israelites were to leave their homes, had
to be burnt and destroyed:

Exodus 12:6-10 - (6) And you shall keep it under watch until the fourteenth day of this
month; and the entire congregation of the community of Israel shall slaughter it at
dusk. (7) And they shall take [some] of its blood, and place it on the two doorposts and
on the lintel, on the houses in which they will eat it. (8) And they shall eat the meat in
that night, roasted over fire, and [with] unleavened bread; with bitter herbs they shall
eat it. (9) You shall not eat from it raw, nor boiled in water; but roasted over fire, its
head with its legs, and with its inner parts. (10) And you shall not leave any of it until
morning; and that which left over until the morning you shall burn in the fire.

 According to the accounts in the New Testament this was not done with
Jesus after his death. In fact, Jesus was buried.

Matthew 27:57-60(KJV) – (57) When the even was come, there came a rich man of
Arimathaea, named Joseph, who also himself was Jesus' disciple: (58) He went to
Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded the body to be
delivered. (59) And when Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen
cloth, (60) And laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock: and he
rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulchre, and departed. [See also Mark 15:42-46;
Luke 23:50-53; John 19:38-42.]

 According to the New Testament, the death of Jesus was a sacrificial offering
that expiated the sins of mankind for all times:
Hebrews 10:10,18(KJV) – (10) By the which will we are sanctified through the offering
of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
(18) Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin. [See also
Romans 6:10; Hebrews 9:12.]

 According to the Torah, the Passover (sin) sacrifice, a male-goat, had to be
offered on an individual (per household) basis, not as a communal offering:
Numbers 28:22 - And one young male goat for a sin offering, to make atonement for

 According to the New Testament, the death and blood of Jesus took care of
(almost) all sins:
Hebrews 9:22(KJV) – And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and
without shedding of blood is no remission.

 According to the Levitical Law of Sacrifice in the Torah, the sacrificial sin
offering brought atonement only for unintentional sins, except as noted in
Leviticus 5:1-6, 20-26[Leviticus 5:1-6, 6:1-7 in Christian Bibles]:
Numbers 15:27-31 - (27) And if a person sins inadvertently, then he shall offer a female
goat in its first year as a sin offering. (28) And the priest shall atone for the erring
person who sinned inadvertently before the Lord in order to make atonement on his
behalf; and it shall be forgiven him. (29) For the native born of the children of Israel
and the stranger who resides among them, one law shall apply to him who sins
inadvertently. (30) And the person who does anything presumptuously, whether he is a
native born or a stranger, that person blasphemes the Lord; and that person shall be
cut off from among his people. (31) Because he has scorned the word of the Lord, and
has violated his commandment; that person shall surely be cut off, for his iniquity is
upon him.

 According to the New Testament, the death of Jesus brought about the
remission of sins yet uncommitted, and of sins of those yet to be born:
Hebrews 10:18(KJV) – Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for
 According to the Levitical Law of Sacrifice in the Torah, sacrifices could bring
atonement only for sins committed prior to the offering of the sacrifice. No
sacrifice was provided for the atonement of sins committed after the sacrifice
was offered and, thus, no sacrifice can bring atonement for sins of people
born after it was offered. This includes both טּאתָחַ (haTAT)], a sin offering,
described in Leviticus 4:1-5:13, and שׁםָאָ (aSHAM), a guilt offering,
described in Leviticus 5:14-26. Had there been, among the listed sacrifices,
even one kind of sin or guilt offering that could bring atonement for future
sins, the person who would have offered that particular sacrifice would not
have had to do so again for the rest of his life. Moreover, Yom Kippur (the
Day of Atonement), which is ordained by the Torah as an annual Holy Day
(Leviticus 16:29-34), would have had to be celebrated by the Israelites only
the very first time after the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai, had they used one
of those "super" sacrificial offerings that could atone for sins of the future.

The claim by the author of Hebrews, that there are no more sin offerings
required following the death of Jesus, is false for other reasons as well:

 The Second Temple stood in Jerusalem for nearly 40 years following the death of
Jesus, during which time literally thousands of animals were offered as sacrifices
of all sorts, including sin and guilt offerings, as prescribed by the Torah.
 The Hebrew Bible contains prophecies about the building of the Third Temple in
the messianic era, and of the resumption of the sacrificial system at that time. All
the types of sacrificial offerings described in the Hebrew Bible will be made on the
sacrificial altar [חַ בֵּזְמִ (mizBE'ah)] in the Temple, including both the טּאתָחַ and
שׁםָאָ sacrificial offerings. In other words, the sacrificial system, which has been
in a state of suspension since the year 70 C.E., when the Romans destroyed the
Second Temple, will be completely restored in the messianic era:

Ezekiel 43:21-22 - And you shall take the bull of the sin offering, and he [the priest]
shall burn it at the edge of the Temple, outside the Sanctuary. (22) And on the
second day you shall offer an unblemished he-goat for a sin offering, and they [the
priests] shall purify the altar as they purified it with the bull. [See also: Isaiah 56:7;
Jeremiah 33:17-18; Ezekiel 40:39,46-47, 41:42, 42:13, 43:13,15,18-19,22,25-27,
44:27,29, 45:17,19,22-23,25, 46:20, 47:1; Zechariah 14:21.]

 According to the New Testament, God's "only begotten son" died on the cross
for the sins of mankind, and all who accept this belief are "saved" (i.e., get
salvation) and will go to heaven:
Romans 5:8-11(KJV) – (8) But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we
were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (9) Much more then, being now justified by his
blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. (10) For if, when we were enemies,
we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we
shall be saved by his life.(11) And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord
Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement. [See also Acts 10:43;
1Corinthians 15:3; 1Peter 3:18.]

 The Hebrew Bible strictly prohibits (human) vicarious atonement, and
mandates that everyone is responsible for his or her own sins:
Deuteronomy 24:16 - Fathers shall not be put to death because of children, nor shall
children be put to death for fathers; each person shall be put to death for his own sin.
[See also Exodus 32:31-33; Numbers 35:33.]

 According to the New Testament, Jesus was "God manifest in the flesh" (this
would make it a human sacrifice):
Romans 8:3(KJV) - For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh,
God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in
the flesh: [See also 1Timothy 3:16; 1John 4:2.]

 The Hebrew Bible strictly prohibits human sacrifices. The concept of human
sacrifices to a deity is foreign to Judaism. Human sacrifice is a pagan rite:
Leviticus 18:21 – And you shall not give any of your offspring to pass through the fire
for Molech, and shall not profane the name of your God; I am the Lord. [See also
Deuteronomy 18:10; Jeremiah 7:31, 19:32; Ezekiel 23:37-39.]


Rabbi Tovia Singer explains why Christian theologians misinterpret Isaiah 53

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Demons! Everywhere (oh my)

Demons! Everywhere (oh my)



Those pesky demons!  They are all around, messing up your life.  Yeah, we used to blame them for everything too.  When Jim and Ronnie left the false teachings of Christianity and began to embrace Judaism (Noahide), we were no longer plagued by old slippery Satan and his hordes of evil, wicked, demons.  It's not easy to de-program your mind from false teachings, but once you do, there's freedom.

Show Notes May 7th, 2023

The chronology of the Hebrew scriptures is an elaborate system of lifespans, "generations," and other means by which the passage of events is measured, beginning with Creation and extending through other significant events. The time span of the Hebrew scriptures is almost 4000 years of history. beginning with Creation and ending around 164 BCE with the last Prophet.

In that 4000 years, no one has ever seen a devil, ever seen a demon, seen a demon cast out(exorcism), never seen a demon possession (body snatching). 

Jews don't worry about such things, or fallen angels having sex with women, this does not happen. Noah never had a problem with them. Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc never encountered demons and devils! 

Then the Greek NT comes along centuries after the last Hebrew verse. The time span of the NT is less than 100 years. In the NT, demons are seen about 100 times. All of a sudden in that 100 years, there are demon-possession(body snatching),  demons cast out(exorcisms). None of which ever happened in the history of the Jews.

Jesus has a conversation with demons!! That should be a hint about jesus. Jesus and the disciples seem to run into them around every corner!! 

There are many many reason why the greek new testament is fiction, jesus/yahusha talking to demons is just one of them!  (From a FB friend) 

Q: How many times did Jesus cast out a demon in the Bible?

A: In the Gospels, I find 12 instances where Jesus is said to have “cast out a demon.” In the following chart, I will list who had the

demon (was demon-possessed), and the verses where it mentions each instance.

Who Had The Demon               Verses

Many (Mk 1:32-34)(Mt 8:16-17)(Lk 4:40-41)

People In Galilee (Mk 1:39)

A Man At The Capernaum Synagogue (Mk 1:21-28)(Lk 4:31-37)

A Man In Capernaum (Mt 9:32-33)

A Second Man In Capernaum? (Mt 12:22)(Lk 11:14)

People In Capernaum? (Lk 6:17-19) 

The Gentile Woman’s Daughter (Mt 15:21-28)(Mk 7:24-30)

Mary Magdalene (And Other Women) (Lk 8:2)(Mk 16:9)

People At The Sea Of Galilee   (Mk 3:10-12)

Two Men At Gergesenes (Gadarenes) (Mt 8:28-32)(Mk 5:1-13)(Lk 8:26-33)

A Man’s Son At Caesarea Philippi? (Mt 16:13) (Mt 17:14-21)(Mk 9:17-29)(Lk 9:38-47)

In (Mt 10:1,8)(Mk 6:7,13)(Lk 9:1)(Mk 3:15), Jesus gave His 12 disciples (and the 70 – Lk 10:1,17-20power over unclean spirits.”

In 5 of these instances, Jesus “spoke” to the demon in the process of casting it out. 

***Note: It is interesting to note that Jesus is never shown to cast out a demon, or speak to a demon in the Gospel of John.

Q: How many times did Jesus speak to demons in the Bible?

Jesus spoke to demons “in the Gospels” In regards to this, The 7 times that Jesus spoke to demons.

Where Did Jesus Speak To A Demon              Verses

In The Wilderness (To Satan) (Mt 4:1-11)(Mk 1:12-13)(Lk 4:1-13)

At The Capernaum Synagogue (Mk 1:21-28)(Lk 4:31-37)

At Peter & Andrew’s House (Mk 1:32-34)(Mt 8:16-17)(Lk 4:40-41)

At The Sea Of Galilee (Mk 3:10-12)

At Gergesenes (Gadarenes) (Mt 8:28-32)(Mk 5:1-13)(Lk 8:26-33) 

A Man’s Son At Caesarea Philippi?  (Mt 16:13)      (Mt 17:14-21)(Mk 9:17-29)(Lk 9:38-47)

Jerusalem                 (Lk 22:31-32 – implied)

In that 4000 years, there is no mention of a lake of fire, hell, or going to heaven when you die.

In that 4000 years, God says people are responsible for their own sins and if one takes the

proper steps then his/her sins are forgiven and never remember again, your sin counter

is reset to zero. In that 4000 years, blood is NOT the only way to atone for sins, there are

many NON-BLOOD ways to atone for sins.

"God does NOT condemn everyone to the fires of eternal damnation. You can search the Jewish Scriptures from cover to cover; you will not find one verse that supports such a teaching."

                                  Notes from COOHMP May 7th, 2023

Question - were there really 4 men who never sinned?

Singer says, to quote

"he (jotham )never sinned in his life, not one"

time line 1:14:38

does this mean king jotham was sinless ?

Did king Jotham ever sin? - Virtual Yeshiva Discussion Forums (

Monday, January 30, 2023

Errors, Contradictions and Falsehoods in the New Testament …

Errors, Contradictions and Falsehoods in the New Testament …

If I gave you a book and said it was from G-d, if it had just one mistake in it you would hand it back to me and you wouldn’t waste a single minute more of your time on it. If I gave you a wonderful book about the twin towers and the first page talks about the twin towers being destroyed in Chicago you would never believe anything else written in the book even if it was true because of the such grave error you first read.

Now: Contradictions in the New Testament (does G-d not know what he said or wanted to say?)
The announcement of the special birth came before conception. Lk.1:26-31.
The announcement of the special birth came after conception. Mt.1:18-21.
Jesu’ parents were told of their son’s future greatness. Mt.1:18-21; Lk.1:28-35.
Jesu’ parents knew nothing of their son’s potential. Lk.2:48-50.
The angel told Joseph. Mt.1:20.
The angel told Mary. Lk.1:28.
There were 28 generations from David to Jesu. Mt.1:17.
There were 43 generations from David to Jesu. Lk.3:23-31.
If this were both parents then they would have lived about 100-200 years apart from
each other as well!
Jacob was Joseph’s father. Mt.1:16.
Heli was Joseph’s father. Lk.3:23.
Christians state because Heli was his Father-in-law, this has nothing to do with
bloodline and would not be listed in a bloodline tie to Kind David!
He was to be called Emmanuel. Mt.1:23.
He was called Jesu. Mt.1:25.
Joseph, Mary, and Jesu flee to Egypt while Herod slaughters all males under
2 years old. Mt.2:13-16. (Note: Jesu’ cousin, John, was also under 2 and
survived without having to flee.)
Joseph, Mary, and Jesu did not flee to Egypt, but remained for temple rituals.
No slaughter of infants is mentioned! Lk.2:21-39.
Jesu was tempted during the 40 days in the wilderness. Mk.1:13.
Jesu was tempted after the 40 days in the wilderness. Mt.4:2,3.
The devil first took Jesu to the pinnacle, then to the mountain top. Mt.4:5-8.
The devil first took Jesu to the mountain top, then to the pinnacle. Lk.4:5-9.
Satan tempted Jesu. Mt.4:1-10; Mk.1:13; Lk.4:1,2.
Satan had no interest in Jesu. Jn.14:30.
The baptism of Jesu was with the “Holy Ghost”. Mk.1:8; Jn.1:33.
Fire was also added to the baptism. Mt.3:11; Lu.3:16.
John knew of Jesu before he baptized him. Mt.3:11-13; Jn.1:28,29.
John knew nothing of Jesu at all. Mt.11:1-3.
Jesu begins his ministry after John’s arrest. Mk.1:13,14.
Jesu begins his ministry before John’s arrest. Jn.3:22-24.
It is recorded that Jesu saw the spirit descending. Mt.3:16; Mk.1:10.
It is recorded that John saw the spirit descending. Jn.1:32.
The heavenly voice addressed the gathering. Mt.3:17.
The heavenly voice addressed Jesu. Mk.1:11; Lk.3:22.
Immediately after the baptism, Jesu spent 40 days in the wilderness. Mt.4:1,2; Mk.1:12,13.
Three days after the baptism, Jesu was at the wedding in Cana. Jn.2:1.
Jesu went to Bethphage and the Mt. of Olives, then left for Bethany. Mt.21:1,17.
Jesu went to Bethphage and Bethany at the Mt. of Olives. Mk.11:1; Lk.19:29.
Jesu went to Bethany and then Jerusalem. Jn.12:1,12.
Jesu and his disciples taught in Capernaum. Mk.1:20,21.
Only Jesu taught in Capernaum. Lk.4:30,31.
Peter was chosen, with Andrew, by the Sea of Galilee. Mt.4:18-20; Mk.1:16-18.
Peter was chosen, with James and John, by the lake of Gennesaret. Lk.5:2-11.
Andrew chose Jesu and then got Peter to join. Jn.1:35-42.
Peter was to preach to the Jews. Mt.10:2,5,6; Gal.2:7.
Peter was to preach to the Gentiles. Acts 15:7.
Jesu cured Simon Peter’s mother-in-law after he cleansed the leper. Mt.8:1-15.
Jesu cured Simon Peter’s mother-in-law before he cleansed the leper. Mk.1:30-42; Lk.4:38 to 5:13.
Peter’s mother-in-law was healed before Peter was called to be a disciple. Lu.4:38,39; 5:10.
Peter’s mother-in-law was healed after Peter was called to be a disciple. Mt.4:18,19; 8:14,15; Mk.1:16,17,30,31.
James and John were with Jesu when he healed Simon Peter’s mother-in-law. Mk.1:29-31.
James and John were not with Jesu when he healed Simon Peter’s mother-in-law. Lu.4:38,39; 5:10,11.
Lebbaeus (Thaddaeus) was the name of an apostle – but no Judas, brother of James. Mt. 10:3.
Judas, the brother of James, was an apostle, but no Thaddaeus. Lk.6:16; Acts 1:13.
The centurion’s servant was healed in between the cleansing of the leper and the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law. Mt.8:2-15.
The centurion’s servant was healed after the cleansing of the leper and the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law. Lu.4:38,39; 5:12,13; 7:1-10.
The people were not impressed with the feeding of the multitude. Mk.6:52.
The people were very impressed with the feeding of the multitude. Jn.6:14.
After the feeding of the multitude, Jesu went to Gennesaret. Mk.6:53.
After the feeding of the multitude, Jesu went to Capernaum. Jn.6:14-17.
A demon cries out that Jesu is the Holy One of G-d. Mk.1:23,24.
Everyone who confesses that Jesu came in the flesh is of G-d. 1 Jn.4:2.
Jesu cursed the fig tree so that it would not bear fruit. Mt.21:19; Mk.11:14.
It wasn’t time for the fig tree to bear fruit. Mk.11:13.
(wouldn’t a man/G-d know that his tree wasn’t ready to bear fruit, or being G-d
make it produce fruit as another miracle?)
The fig tree withers immediately, and the disciples are amazed. Mt.21:19,20.
The disciples first notice the withered tree the next day. Mk.11:20,21.
Jesu is the mediator of the “Father”. 1 Tim.2:5; 1 Jn.2:1.
Jesu sits on “his” right hand. Mk. 16:19.
Jesu and the “Father” are one in the same. Jn.10:30.
There is one “G-d”. 1 Tim.2:5; Jms.2:19.
There are three. 1 Jn.5:7.
Jesu said to honor your father and mother. Mt.15:4; Mt.19:19; Mk.7:10; Mk.10:19; Lk.18:20.
Jesu said that he came to set people against their parents. Mt.10:35-37; Lk.12:51-53; Lk.14:26.
Jesu said to call no man father. Mt.23:9.
Jesu said, “You fool…”. Lk.12:20; Mt.23:17.
Paul calls people fools. 1 Cor.15:36.
Call someone a fool and you go to hell. Mt.5:22.
Anger by itself is a sin. Mt.5:22.
But not necessarily. Eph.4:26.
Ask and it shall be given. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened to you. Mt.7:7,8; Lk.11:9,10.
Ask and you shall be refused. Seek and you won’t find. Knock and you will be refused entrance. Lk.13:24-27.
Do not judge. Mt.7:1,2.
Unless it is necessary, of course. 1 Jn.4:1-3.
Jesu is thankful that some things are hidden. Mt.11:25; Mk.4:11,12.
Jesu said that all things should be made known. Mk.4:22.
Jesu said that no sign would be given. Mk.8:12.
Jesu said that no sign would be given except for that of Jonas. Mt.12:39; Lk.11:29.
Jesu showed many signs. Jn.20:30; Acts 2:22.
Jesu stated that the law was until heaven and earth ended. Mt. 5:17-19.
Jesu stated that the law was only until the time of John. Lk.16:16.
The “Sermon on the Mount” took place on the mountain. Mt.5:1.
The “Sermon on the Mount” took place on a plain. Lu.6:17.
The “Lord’s Prayer” was taught to many during the “Sermon on the Mount”. Mt.6:9.
The “Lord’s Prayer” was taught only to the disciples at another time. Lu.11:1.
Jesu had his own house. Mk.2:15.
Jesu did not have his own house. Lu.9:58.
Good works should be seen. Mt.5:16.
Good works should not be seen. Mt.6:1-4.
Jesu said that Salvation was only for the Jews. Mt.15:24; Mt.10:5,6; Jn.4:22; Rom.11:26,27.
Paul said that salvation was also for the Gentiles. Acts 13:47,48.
Repentance is necessary. Acts 3:19; Lu.3:3.
Repentance is not necessary. Rom.11:29.
Non-believers obtain mercy. Rom.11:32.
Only believers obtain mercy. Jn.3:36; Rom.14:23.
Only baptized believers obtain mercy. Mk.16:16.
Mercy cannot be predetermined. Rom.9:18.
All who call on the “Lord” will be saved. Rom.10:13; Acts 2:21.
Only those predestined will be saved. Acts 13:48; Eph.1:4,5; 2 Thes.2:13; Acts 2:47.
Jesu said he would not cast aside any that come to him. Jn.6:37.
Jesu said that many that come to him will be cast aside. Mt.7:21-23.
Salvation comes by faith and not works. Eph.2:8,9; Rom.11:6; Gal.2:16; Rom.3:28.
Salvation comes by faith and works. Jms.2:14,17,20.
The righteous have eternal life. Mt.25:46.
The righteous are barely saved. 1 Pet.4:18.
There are no righteous. Rom.3:10.
Now just how are Christians saved?
Believe and be baptized to be saved. Mk.16:16.
Be baptized by water and the spirit to be saved. Jn.3:5.
Endure to the end to be saved. Mt.24:13.
Call on the name of the “Lord” to be saved. Acts 2:21; Rom.10:13.
Believe in Jesu to be saved. Acts 16:31.
Believe, then all your household will be saved. Acts 16:31.
Hope and you will be saved. Rom.8:24.
Believe in the resurrection to be saved. Rom.10:9.
By grace you are saved. Eph.2:5
By grace and faith you are saved. Eph.2:8.
Have the love of truth to be saved. 2 Thes.2:10.
Mercy saves. Titus 3:5.
Backsliders are condemned. 2 Pet.2:20.
Backsliders are saved regardless. Jn.10:27-29.
Forgive seventy times seven. Mt.18:22.
Forgiveness is not possible for renewed sin. Heb.6:4-6.
Divorce, except for unfaithfulness, is wrong. Mt.5:32.
Divorce for any reason is wrong. Mk.10:11,12.
Jesu approved of destroying enemies. Lk.19:27.
Jesu said to love your enemies. Mt.5:44.
G-d resides in heaven. Mt.5:45; Mt.6:9; Mt.7:21.
Angels reside in heaven. Mk.13:32.
Jesu is with G-d in heaven. Acts 7:55,56
Believers go to heaven. 1 Pet.1:3,4.
Heaven will pass away. Mt.24:35; Mk.13:31; Lk.21:33.
So…Do Christians believe in dying with G-d? (passing away)
Pray that you don’t enter temptation. Mt.26:41.
Temptation is a joy. Jms.1:2.
G-d leads you into temptation. Mt.6:13.
G-d tempts no one. Jms.1:13.
Take no thought for tomorrow. G-d will take care of you. Mt.6:25-34; Lk.12:22-31.
A man who does not provide for his family is worse than an infidel. 1 Tim.5:8.
Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Acts 2:21; Rom.10:13.
Not everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Mt.7:21.
Only those whom the Lord chooses will be saved. Acts 2:39.
Hey wait on here?, that is really unclear!
We are justified by works and not by faith. Mt.7:21; Rom.2:6,13; Jms.2:24.
We are justified by faith and not by works. Jn.3:16; Rom.3:27; Eph.2:8,9.; Gal.2:16.
Do not take sandals (shoes) or staves. Mt.10:10.
Take only sandals (shoes) and staves. Mk.6:8,9.
Jesu said that in him there was peace. Jn.16:33.
Jesu said that he did not come to bring peace. Mt.10:34; Lk.12:51.
Jesu said that John the Baptist was a prophet and Elijah. Mt.11:9; Mt.17:12,13.
John said that he was not a prophet nor was he Elijah. Jn.1:21.
Jesu said that he was meek and lowly. Mt.11:29.
Jesu makes whips and drives the moneychangers out from the temple. Mt. 21:12; Mk.11:15,16; Jn.2:15.
Jesu said, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees”. Lk.12:1.
Jesu said, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees”. Mt.16:6,11.
Jesu said, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod”. Mk.8:15.
Jesu founds his church on Peter. Mt.16:18.
Jesu calls Peter “Satan” and a hindrance. Mt.16:23.
Oh come on Jesu, make up your mind.
The mother of James and John asks Jesu to favor her sons. Mt.20:20,21.
They ask for themselves. Mk.10:35-37.
Jesu responds that this favor is not his to give. Mt.20:23; Mk.10:40.
Jesu said that all authority is given to him. Mt.28:18; Jn.3:35.
Jesu heals two unnamed blind men. Mt.20:29,30.
Jesu heals one named blind man. Mk.10:46-52.
Jesu healed all that were sick. Mt.8:16; Lk.4:40.
Jesu healed many that were sick – but not all. Mk.1:34.
The council asks Jesu if he is the Son of G-d. Lk.22:70.
The high priest asks Jesu if he is the Christ, the Son of G-d. Mt.26:63.
The high priest asks Jesu if he is the Christ the Son of the Blessed. Mk.14:61.
The high priest asks Jesu about his disciples and his doctrine. Jn.18:19.
Jesu answers to the effect of “You said it, not me”. Mt.26:64; Lk.22:70.
Jesu answers definitely, “I am”. Mk.14:62.
At the Mount of Olives, Jesu told Peter he would deny him three times. Mt.26:30-34.
At the Passover meal, Jesu told Peter he would deny him three times. Lu.22:13,14,34.
Peter was to deny Jesu before the cock crowed. Mt.26:34; Lk.22:34; Jn.13:38.
Peter was to deny Jesu before the cock crowed twice. Mk.14:30.
The cock crowed once. Mt.26:74.
The cock crowed twice. Mk.14:72.
Peter makes his first denial to a maid and some others. Mt.26:69,70.
It was only to the maid. Mk.14:66-68; Lk.22:56,57; Jn.18:17.
Peter’s second denial was to another maid. Mt.26:71,72.
It was to the same maid. Mk.14:69,70.
It was to a man and not a maid. Lk.22:58.
It was to more than one person. Jn.18:25.
Peter’s third denial was to several bystanders. Mt.26:73,74; Mk.14:69,70.
It was to one person. Lk.22:59,60.
It was to a servant. Jn.18:26,27.
Wow, what a mess. To whom and and how many times?
The chief priests bought the field. Mt.27:6,7.
Judas bought the field. Acts 1:16-19.
Judas threw down the money and left. Mt.27:5.
Judas used the coins to buy the field. Acts 1:18.
Judas hanged himself. Mt.27:5.
Judas fell headlong and burst his head open. Acts 1:18.
Very strange, which one?
Jesu did not answer any of the charges. Mt.27:12-14; Lk.23:9.
Jesu answered some of the charges. Mk.14:61,62.
Jesu answered all of the charges. Jn.18:33-37.
Jesu said that eternal life would be given to all that were given to him. Jn.11:27-29; Jn.17:12.
Jesu released Judas in order to keep this promise. Jn.18:5-9.
The chief priests and elders persuade the people. Mt.27:20.
Only the chief priests persuade the people. Mk.15:11.
The chief priests and the people persuade themselves. Lk.23:13-23.
Jesu is given a scarlet robe. Mt.27:28.
Jesu is given a purple robe. Mk.15:17; Jn.19:2.
Jesu is given a gorgeous robe. Lk.23:11.
The sign says, “This is Jesu the King of the Jews”. Mt.27:37.
The sign says, “The King of the Jews”. Mk.15:26.
In three languages, the sign says, “This is the King of the Jews”. Lk.23:38.
In the same three languages, the sign says, “Jesu of Nazareth, the King of the Jews”. Jn.19:19,20.
Jesu asks G-d, The Father, why he has forsaken him. Mt.27:46.
Jesu said that he and The Father were one in the same. Jn.10:30; Jn.17:11,21,22.
The centurion says, “Truly this was the son of G-d”. Mt.27:54.
The centurion says, “Truly this man was the son of G-d”. Mk.15:39.
The centurion says, “Certainly, this was a righteous man”. Lk.23:47.
There was no centurion. Jn.19:31-37.
Jesu was crucified at the third hour. Mk.15:25.
Jesu was still before Pilate at the sixth hour. Jn.19:13,14.
The women looked on from “afar”. Mt.27:55; Mk.15:40; Lk.23:49.
The women were very close. Jn.19:25.
The last recorded words of Jesu were:
Version 1: “Eli, Eli …My G-d, My G-d why have you forsaken me” Mt.27:46.
Version 2: “Eloi, Eloi…My G-d, My G-d why have you forsaken me” Mk.15:34.
Version 3: “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit”. Lk.23:46.
Version 4: “It is finished”. Jn.19:30.
A guard was placed at the tomb the day after the burial. Mt.27:65,66.
No guard is mentioned. Mk.15:44-47; Lk.23:52-56; Jn.19:38-42.
Only those keeping the words of Jesu will never see death. Jn.8:51.
Jesu’ disciples will be killed. Mt.24:3-9.
All men die once. Heb.9:27.
Upon their arrival, the stone was still in place. Mt.28:1 2.
Upon their arrival, the stone had been removed. Mk.16:4; Lk.24:2; Jn.20:1.
There was an earthquake. Mt.28:2.
There was no earthquake. Mk.16:5; Lk.24:2-4; Jn.20:12.
The visitors ran to tell the disciples. Mt.28:8.
The visitors told the eleven and all the rest. Lk.24:9.
The visitors said nothing to anyone. Mk.16:8.
Jesu first resurrection appearance was right at the tomb. Jn.20:12-14.
Jesu first resurrection appearance was fairly near the tomb. Mt.28:8,9.
Jesu first resurrection appearance was on the road to Emmaus. Lk.24:13-16.
One doubted. Jn.20:24.
Some doubted. Mt.28:17.
All doubted. Mk.16:11; Lk.24:11,14.
Jesu said that his blood was shed for many. Mk.14:24.
Jesu said his blood was shed for his disciples. Lu.22:20.
Simon of Cyrene was forced to bear the cross of Jesu. Mt.27:32; Mk.15:21; Lu.23:26.
Jesu bore his own cross. Jn.19:16,17.
Jesu was offered vinegar and gall to drink. Mt.27:34.
Jesu was offered vinegar to drink. Jn.19:29,30.
Jesu was offered wine and myrrh to drink. Mk.15:23.
Jesu refused the drink offered him. Mk.15:23.
Jesu tasted the drink offered and then refused. Mt.27:34.
Jesu accepted the drink offered him. Jn.19:30.
Both “thieves” mocked Jesu on the cross. Mt. 27:44; Mk.15:32.
One “thief” sided with Jesu on the cross. Lu.23:39-41.
Joseph of Arimathaea boldly asked for the body of Jesu. Mk.15:43.
Joseph of Arimathaea secretly asked for the body of Jesu. Jn.19:38.
Jesu was laid in a nearby tomb. Mk.15:46; Lu.23:53; Jn.19:41.
Jesu was laid in Joseph’s new tomb. Mt.27:59,60.
A great stone was rolled in front of the tomb. Mt.27:60; Mk.15:46.
There was nothing in front of the tomb. Lu.23:55; Jn.19:41.
Nicodemus prepared the body with spices. Jn.19:39,40.
Failing to notice this, the women bought spices to prepare the body later. Mk. 16:1; Lu.23:55,56.
The body was anointed. Jn.19:39,40.
The body was not anointed. Mk.15:46 to 16:1; Lk.23:55 to 24:1.
The women bought materials before the sabbath. Lu.23:56.
The women bought materials after the sabbath. Mk.16:1.
Jesu was first seen by Cephas, then the twelve. 1 Cor.15:5.
Jesu was first seen by the two Marys. Mt.28:1,8,9.
Jesu was first seen by Mary Magdalene. Mk.16:9; Jn.20:1,14,15.
Jesu was first seen by Cleopas and others. Lu.24:17,18.
Jesu was first seen by the disciples. Acts 10:40,41.
The two Marys went to the tomb. Mt.28:1.
The two Marys and Salome went to the tomb. Mk.16:1.
Several women went to the tomb. Lu.24:10.
Only Mary Magdalene went to the tomb. Jn.20:1.
It was dawn when Mary went to the tomb. Mt.28:1; Mk.16:2.
It was dark when Mary went to the tomb. Jn.20:1.
An angel sat on the stone at the door of the tomb. Mt.28:2.
A man was sitting inside the tomb. Mk.16:5.
Two men were standing inside the tomb. Lk.24:3,4.
Two angels were sitting inside the tomb. Jn.20:12.
Peter did not go into the tomb but stooped and looked inside. Lk.24:12.
Peter did go into the tomb, and another disciple stooped and looked inside. Jn.20:3-6.
After the resurrection, the disciples held Jesu by the feet. Mt.28:9.
After the resurrection, Jesu told Thomas to touch his side. John 20:27.
After the resurrection, Jesu said that he was not to be touched. Jn.20:17.
Mary first saw Jesu at the tomb. Jn.20:11-15.
Mary first saw Jesu on her way home. Mt.28:8-10.
The women entered the tomb. Mk.16:5; Lk.24:3.
The women stayed outside the tomb. Jn.20:11.
The disciples were frightened when they saw Jesu. Lk.24:36,37.
The disciples were glad when they first saw Jesu. Jn.20:20.
Twelve disciples saw Jesu. 1 Cor.15:5.
Eleven disciples saw Jesu. Thomas was not there. Mt.28:16,17; Jn.20:19-25.
The disciples doubted that Jesu had risen from the dead. Mt.28:17.
The Pharisees and chief priests believed it possible. Mt.27:62-66.
After the resurrection, the disciples held Jesu by the feet. Mt.28:9.
After the resurrection, Jesu told Thomas to touch his side. John 20:27.
After the resurrection, Jesu said that he was not to be touched. Jn.20:17.
At the time of the ascension, there were about 120 brethren. Acts 1:15.
At the time of the ascension, there were about 500 brethren. 1 Cor.15:6.
The moneychangers incident occurred at the end of Jesu’ career. Mt.21:11,12.
The moneychangers incident occurred at the beginning of Jesu’ career. Jn.2:11-15.
Zacharias was the son of Jehoida, the priest. 2 Chr.24:20.
Jesu said that Zacharias was the son of Barachias. Mt.23:35. (Note: The name Barachias or Barachiah does not appear in the OT.)
The coming of the kingdom will be accompanied by signs and miracles. Mt.24:29-33; Mk.13:24-29.
It will not be accompanied by signs and miracles since it occurs from within. Lk.17:20,21.
The kingdom was prepared from the beginning. Mt.25:34.
Jesu said that he was going to go and prepare the kingdom. Jn.14:2,3.
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is an unforgivable sin. Mk.3:29.
All sins are forgivable. Acts 13:39; Col.2:13; 1 Jn.1:9.
The ascension took place while the disciples were seated together at a table. Mk.16:14-19.
The ascension took place outdoors at Bethany. Lk.24:50,51.
The ascension took place outdoors at Mt. Olivet. Acts 1:9-12.
The holy spirit was with John from before he was born. Lk.1:15,41.
The holy spirit was with Elizabeth before John’s birth. Lk.1:41.
The holy spirit was with Zechariah. Lk.1:67.
The holy spirit was with Simeon. Lk.2:25.
The holy spirit is obtained by asking. Lk.11:13.
The holy spirit did not come into the world until after Jesu had departed. Jn.7:39; Jn.16:7; Acts 1:3-8.
Sometimes G-d is responsible for unbelief. 2 Thes.2:11,12.
Sometimes Jesu is responsible for unbelief. Mk.4:11,12.
The devil causes unbelief. Lk.8:12.
WOW! they believe in a man/g-d/devil that causes unbelief?
Whoever hates his brother is a murderer. 1 Jn.3:15.
If anyone claims to love G-d but hates his brother, he is a liar. 1 Jn.4:20.
No one can be a disciple of Jesu unless he hates his brother. Lk.14:26.
Believers do not come into judgment. Jn.5:24.
All people come into judgment. Mt.12:36; 2 Cor.5:10; Heb.9:27; 1 Pet.1:17; Jude 14,15; Rev.20:12,13.
Jesu says that, if he bears witness to himself, his testimony is true. Jn.8:14.
Jesu says that, if he bears witness to himself, his testimony is not true. Jn.5:31.
Men can choose whether or not to believe. Jn.5:38-47.
Only G-d chooses who will believe. Jn.6:44.
None of Jesu’ followers would be lost. Jn.10:27-29.
Some of Jesu’ followers would be lost. 1 Tim.4:1.
Jesu is the ruling prince of this world. Rev.1:5.
The prince of this world will be cast out. Jn.12:31.
Jesu says all men will be saved. Jn.3:17.
Only 144,000 virgin men will be saved. Rev. 14:1-4.
(fuuny most Christians are married and not virgins)
G-d wants all men to be saved. 1 Tim.2:3,4; 2 Pet.3:9.
G-d does not want all men to be saved. Jn.12:40.
Peter asks Jesu where he is going. Jn.13:36.
Thomas asks Jesu where he is going. Jn.14:5.
Jesu said that no one asked where he was going. Jn.16:5.
Jesu lost only one disciple. Jn.17:12.
Jesu lost no disciples. Jn.18:9.
Jesu came into the world to bear witness to the truth. Jn.18:37.
The truth has always been evident. Rom.1:18-20.
During his first resurrection appearance, Jesu gave his disciples the holy spirit. Jn.20:22.
The holy spirit was given to the disciples after his ascension. Acts 1:3-8.
The world could not contain all that could be written of Jesu. Jn.21:25.
All was written. Acts.1:1.
Obey the laws of men for it is the will of G-d. 1 Pet.2:13-15.
The disciples disobey the council. Acts 5:40-42.
Obey G-d, not men. Acts 5:29.
Obey men. It is G-d’s will. Rom.13:1-4; 1 Pet.2:13-15.
G-d hated Esau and loved Jacob even before they were born. Rom.9:10-13.
G-d shows no partiality and treats all alike. Acts 10:34; Rom.2:11.
All who have sinned without the law will perish without the law. Rom.2:12.
Where there is no law there is no sin or transgression. Rom.4:15.
Doers of the law will be justified. Rom.2:13.
Doers of the law will not be justified. Rom.3:20; Gal.3:11.
The law has dominion. Rom.7:1.
The law does not have dominion. Rom.6:14.
The law was the result of sin. Gal.3:19.
Sin is the result of breaking the law. 1 Jn.3:4.
Those of “G-d” cannot sin. 1 Jn.3:9.
Those of “G-d” can sin. 1 Jn.1:7 8.
The anointing of Jesu teaches right from wrong. 1 Jn.2:27.
The law written on the heart and conscience teaches right from wrong. Rom.2:15.
Abraham was justified by faith. Heb.11:8.
Abraham was justified by works. Jms.2:21.
Abraham was not justified by works. Rom.4:2.
It is not good to eat or drink anything that might cause your brother to stumble or be offended. Rom.14:21.
Let no one pass judgment on you in matters of food or drink. Col.2:16.
It is better that widows should not remarry. 1 Cor.7:8.
It is better that young widows should remarry. 1 Tim.5:11-14.
The G-d of this world blinds people to the gospel. 2 Cor.4:4.
There is only one G-d. 1 Cor.8:4.
The powers of this world are wicked, so fight against them. Eph.6:11-13.
All powers are ordained of G-d and, if you resist, you are damned. Rom.13:1,2.
Bear one another’s burdens. Gal.6:2.
Bear your own burdens. Gal.6:5.
Anyone who even greets a non-believer shares his wicked work. 2 Jn.10,11.
Always be ready to answer any man concerning your faith. 1 Pet.3:15.
All of the grass on the earth is burned up. Rev.8:7.
The army of locusts are instructed not to harm the grass. Rev.9:4.
Only “The Father” knows. Mk.13:32.
“Jesu” and “The Father” are one. Jn.10:30; 17:11,21,22.
Jesu said that he would judge. Jn.5:22,27-30; Jn.9:39.
Jesu said that he would not judge. Jn.8:15; Jn.12:47.
Jesu said that The Father judges. Jn.12:48,49.
Jesu said that The Father does not judge. Jn.5:22.
Jesu said that his disciples would judge. Lk.22:30.
He that does not believe is damned. Mk.16:16.
Thomas did not believe and was not damned. Jn.20:27-29.
“When his branch is yet tender”. Mt.24:32.
“When her branch is yet tender”. Mk.13:28.
Jesu is G-d. Jn.10:30.
Jesu is the “image” of G-d. 2 Cor.4:4.
Jesu was a man approved by G-d. Acts 2:22.
Jesu and G-d are one in the same. Jn.1:1.
Jesu is beside himself. Mk.16:19; Acts 2:32,33; 7:55; Rom.8:34; etc.
Jesu is the Son of G-d. Jn.6:69; Jn.20:31.
Jesu is the Son of Man. Mt.18:11; Lk.21:27.
Oh come on now!
Paul states that he does not lie. Rom.9:1; 2 Cor.11:31; Gal.1:20; 1 Tim.2:7.
Paul states that he does lie. Rom.3:7.
Looks like Paul did lie, in his writings.
Paul said that he does not use trickery. 1 Thes.2:3.
Paul admits to using trickery. 2 Cor.12:16.
Paul says that circumcision is nothing. 1 Cor.7:19.
Paul says that circumcision is profitable. Rom.2:25; Rom.3:1,2.
Do not covet. Rom.7:7; Rom.13:9.
Paul says covet. 1 Cor.12:31; 1 Cor.14:39.
Paul teaches not to steal. Eph.4:28.
Paul admits to stealing. 2 Cor.11:8.
Paul was assured that he would not be hurt. Acts 18:9,10.
Paul was often physically abused. 2 Cor.11:23-27.
Paul states that the law is necessary. Rom.3:31.
Paul states that the law is not necessary. Rom.6:14.
Jesu said to go and baptize. Mt.28:19.
Paul said he was not sent to baptize. 1 Cor.1:17.
Paul said he was not sent to baptize but to preach. 1 Cor.1:17.
Paul baptized. 1 Cor.1:16.
Jesu said that he did not come to abolish the law. Mt.5:17-19.
Paul said otherwise. Eph.2:15.
Jesu said that G-d did not condemn the world. Jn. 3:17.
Paul said that G-d did condemn the world. Rom.5:18.
Those present at Paul’s conversion stood. Acts 9:7.
They fell to the ground. Acts 26:14.
Those present at Paul’s conversion heard a voice but saw nothing. Acts 9:7.
Those present at Paul’s conversion saw a light but heard nothing. Acts 22:9.
Shortly after his conversion, Paul went to Damascus where he spent some time with the apostles. Acts 9:19.
Paul went to Damascus three years later and saw only Peter and James. Gal.1:18,19.
Shortly after his conversion, Paul went to Damascus and then to Jerusalem. Acts 9:18-26.
Shortly after his conversion, Paul went to Arabia, then to Damascus, and then, 3 years later, to Jerusalem. Gal.1:17,18.
In Damascus, the governor attempts to seize Paul. 2 Cor.11:32.
In Damascus, the Jews attempt to seize Paul. Acts 9:22,23.
The holy spirit forbids preaching in Asia. Acts 16:6.
Paul preaches in Asia anyway. Acts 19:8-10.
Paul said he would not be a servant of Christ if he tried to please men. Gal.1:10.
Paul said that he tried to please men. 1 Cor.10:33.
Paul says that he was the chief of all sinners. 1 Tim.1:15.
He who commits sin is of the devil. Children of G-d cannot sin. 1 Jn.3:8-10.
Paul said that Jesu is the judge. 2 Tim.4:1.
Paul said that G-d is the judge. Heb.12:23.
Paul said that the saints would judge. 1 Cor.6:2.
Paul said that Jesu was the Son of G-d. Rom.1:3,4.
Paul said that Jesu was just a man. Heb.7:24.
Do not boast. Lk.18:14.
Do not be proud. Rom.11:20; 1 Pet. 5:5.
Paul proudly boasts. 2 Cor.11:16-18; Gal.2:9-11.
Jesu commends the church at Ephesus for discerning the lying apostles. Rev. 2:1,2.
Paul was the apostle to Ephesus. Eph.1:1.
Jesu to be buried for three days and nights – Matt 12:40
Jesu buried for one day and two nights – Mark 15:42,43, John 20:1
(These texts show the burial did not take place until Friday night and the tomb was empty before Sunday morning).
Jesu was therefore not in the tomb for “three days and three nights” – whether present-day or Jewish time-reckoning is used.

You do not need idols or false messiahs.

Jer 31:30  But every one shall die for his own iniquity; every man that eateth the sour grapes, his teeth shall be set on edge. 
Jer 31:31  Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah; 
Jer 31:32  not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; forasmuch as they broke My covenant, although I was a lord over them, saith the LORD. 
Jer 31:33  But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the LORD, I will put My law in their inward parts, and in their heart will I write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people; 
Jer 31:34  and they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying: 'Know the LORD'; for they shall all know Me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD; for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin will I remember no more. 

Deu 24:16  The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers; every man shall be put to death for his own sin. 

Eze 18:4  Behold, all souls are Mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is Mine; the soul that sinneth, it shall die. 

Eze 18:20  The soul that sinneth, it shall die; the son shall not bear the iniquity of the father with him, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son with him; the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Jer 31:30  But every one shall die for his own iniquity; every man that eateth the sour grapes, his teeth shall be set on edge. 

Every Jew is commanded to develop the recognition of Divine truth attained by Abraham: a recognition so absolute that it can, by the force of reason alone, dispel a universally entrenched doctrine and convince thousands to transform their lives.

The essence of Judaism is the belief in the One G-d.

The essence of Judaism is the belief in the One G-d. Indeed, all monotheistic faiths trace their origin to Abraham, the discoverer (or re-discoverer) of this truth.
The Jewish belief in G-d is expressed in the first two of the Ten Commandments. The first affirms the truth of His being. The second is the negative complement to the first–the disavowal of idolatry. Idolatry is not necessarily a lack of belief in G-d; indeed, the Second Commandment begins, “You shall have no other godsbefore Me…” Rather, idolatry also includes any denial of G-d’s oneness — his absolute singularity, unity and exclusiveness of being. To ascribe any divisions or compartmentalizations to the divine being, or to believe that G-d has any partners or intermediaries to His creation and sustenance of the universe, is to transgress the prohibition of idolatry.
The particulars of the laws of idolatry are spelled out by Maimonides in hisMishneh Torah, in a twelve-chapter section entitled Laws Concerning Idolatry and its Customs. Here Maimonides defines idolatry and examines the various forms of idol-worship and its accompanying practices, the penalties they carry, the status of an idolator, etc.
In the first chapter of Laws Concerning Idolatry, Maimonides outlines the history of man’s recognition of the truth of the One G-d. Originally, man knew his Maker; but “in the generation of Enosh (Adam’s grandson), humanity erred grievously, and the wisdom of that generations wise men was confused; Enosh himself was among those who erred. Their error lay in that they believed that it would be pleasing to G-d if they were to venerate the forces of nature which serve Him, as a king desires that his ministers and servants be venerated. Soon they were erecting temples and altars to the sun and the stars, offering sacrifices and hymns of praise to them, believing all this to be the will of G-d.”
In later generations, Maimonides continues, “there arose false prophets… and other charlatans who claimed to have received communications from the various heavenly bodies as to how they are to be served and which images are to represent them. As the years went by, the venerable and awesome name of G-d was forgotten from the lips and minds of humanity; no longer were they aware of Him at all. The common folk knew only the wood or stone image in its stone temple which they had been trained from childhood to bow down to and serve and swear by; the wiser ones among them believed in the stars and constellations that these images represented; but none recognized or even knew of the Creator except for rare individuals such as Enoch, Methuselah, Noah, Shem and Eber. And so the world turned until the pillar of the universe, our father Abraham, was born.
“No sooner was [Abraham] weaned — and he was but a small child — that his mind began to seek and wonder: How do the heavenly bodies orbit without a moving force? Who moves them? They cannot move themselves! Immersed amongst the foolish idol-worshippers of Ur Casdim, he had no one to teach him anything; his father, mother and countrymen, and he amongst them, all worshipped idols. But his heart sought, and came to know that there is one G-d… who created all and that in all existence there is none other than Him. He came to know that the entire world erred…
“At the age of forty, Abraham recognized his Creator… He began to debate with the people of Ur Casdim… He smashed the idols, and began to teach the people that it is only fitting to serve the one G-d… He continued to call in a great voice to the world, teaching them that there is one G-d for the entire universe, and that He alone is it fitting to serve. He carried his call from city to city and from kingdom to kingdom… Many gathered to ask about his words, and he would explain to each according to his understanding until he had shown him the path of truth. Thousands and then tens of thousands joined him…and he implanted this great principle in their heart and wrote many books on it. After Abraham’s passing, Isaac, and then Jacob, continued his work, until Jacob’s descendents, and those who joined them, formed a nation that knew G-d.
“However, when the people of Israel dwelled in Egypt for many years, they regressed to learn from the behavior of the Egyptians and to worship idols with them… just a little longer, and the great principle implanted by Abraham would have been uprooted, and the descendents of Jacob would have reverted to the error of humanity and their contorted ways. But out of G-d’s love to us, and His keeping of the oath He made to Abraham… G-d chose Israel as His, crowned them with mitzvot, and instructed them the way in which to serve Him, and the laws concerning idolatry and those who err with it.”
History as Law
Thus Maimonides concludes the first chapter of Laws Concerning Idolatry. In the next eleven chapters he proceeds to spell out the legal particulars of “idolatry and those who err with it.”
The Mishneh Torah is a purely Halachic, or legal, work. On the rare occasions on which Maimonides digresses with an historical fact or a philosophical insight, it is always revealed, upon closer examination, to be a legally instructive point. The same is true of the opening chapter of Laws Concerning Idolatry: every detail of this lengthy history is a Halachah, a crucial component of the Torah’s prohibition of idolatry. In this essay, we will dwell on two of the important points that Maimonides is making in this chapter.
Maimonides’ first point is that idolatry is not only a religious sin but also a rational error. Enosh’s generation “erred grievously and the wisdom of that generation’s wise men was confused”; humanity was deceived by false prophets and charlatans. Abraham arrived at the truth of G-d’s oneness not by Divine revelation or supernatural powers, but in a process by which “his mind began to seek and wander… until he comprehended the truth and understood the righteous path by his sound wisdom.” He gained adherents to his faith not by working wonders or prophesying in the name of G-d, but by explaining to each according to his understanding, until he had shown him the path of truth. Maimonides does not mention G-d’s many revelations to Abraham (see Genesis 12:1, 12:7 15:1-21, et al); he also makes no mention of the many prophecies and miracles that accompanied the development of the nation that knew G-d in its formative years. For even if none of this had come to pass, man could still have come to recognize the oneness of G-d, and would have been expected to do so. Idolatry is irrational; man, using nothing more than his capacity to reason, can discern its fallacy and discover the truth.
[This is also emphasized by Maimonides' statement that "At the age of forty, Abraham recognized his Creator." There exist several accounts as to the year of Abraham's discovery. The Talmud states that Abraham recognized his Creator at age three; other sources cite his age at the time as 4; other as 50. Maimonides' source seems to be a variant version of theMidrash that states that he was 48t. As many commentaries suggest, there is no contradiction between these accounts -- each represents another level of recognition achieved by Abraham; indeed, Maimonides himself informs us that his quest began "soon after he was weaned, and he was but a small child." Why, then, does Maimonides choose to speak particularly of the recognition Abraham attained at age forty? Indeed, of what Halachic significance is Abraham's age at all? But Maimonides wishes to again underscore that Abraham's refutation of idolatry was a rational one. Forty is described by our sages as "the age of understanding" -- the point at which a person's cognitive powers attain full maturity. Thus, the level of discovery Abraham achieved at age forty represents his ultimateunderstanding of the divine truth.]
On the other hand, near the end of the historical account, Maimonides makes the very opposite point: without Divine intervention, the faith founded by Abraham would not have survived.
Human reason is not enough. It can expose fallacies, discover truth, transform a life, convince thousands, found a nation. But it is only as strong as the human self of which it springs. It can be distorted and suppressed by the tribulations of life: break the person, and you have invalidated his or her ideas. The exile and hardship experienced by the Israelites in Egypt almost destroyed the nation that knew G-d. If G-d had not revealed Himself to us at Sinai, the great principle implanted by Abraham would have been uprooted.
Mind and More
In the first chapter of Laws Concerning Idolatry, Maimonides is instructing us how the mitzvah ”You shall have no other gods before Me” is to be observed.
It is not enough to say: “G-d revealed Himself to us at Sinai and told us that there are no other deities or forces that are partner to His being and His rulership of the universe. So I know that it is so. If He said so, that’s enough for me: the logic of this truth is irrelevant.” No, says Maimonides. The Second Commandment obligates the Jew that his mind, not only his convictions, should negate the possibility of other gods. He must not only accept that this is so, but also comprehend that, rationally, it cannot be otherwise. Every Jew is commanded to develop the recognition of Divine truth attained by Abraham: a recognition so absolute that it can, by the force of reason alone, dispel a universally entrenched doctrine and convince thousands to transform their lives.
On the other hand, a person might take this to the other extreme, and say: “The oneness of G-d is not a matter of faith, it’s a fact. The nature of reality attests to it–I can prove it to anyone. It is the revelation at Sinai that is irrelevant. Monotheism is a rational truth, supported by irrefutable arguments.”
That may be so, Maimonides is saying, but the Jew’s denial of alien gods is more than an irrefutable philosophy. It is a faith implanted in the core of our souls, which endures also when logic ceases to function and reason is rendered impotent. To truly believe one must comprehend, but comprehension alone is but the mortal shadow of immortal faith. The philosophy-faith of Abraham barely survived Egypt; the supra-rational faith we attained at Sinai, where G-d chose Israel as His, crowned them with mitzvot, and instructed them the way in which to serve Him, has survived a hundred Egypts and every madness of history.

Young Abraham

Young Abraham

Smashing Idols

The famous story from the Midrash about how Abraham destroyed the idols in his father's shop. An excerpt from the one-hour DVD "Young Abraham."

Twisting the Talmud

  The sheer ignorance on full display on social media is reminiscent of the 1930s and even earlier.  The attack on the Jewish people is in f...